
[영어] 2007년 05월 12일 부산 8급간호직 기출문제
Date. 2007.06.02
2007년 05월 12일 부산 8급간호직 기출문제

【 영 어 】

1. 다음 빈칸에 들어가야할 알맞은 표현은?

Research undertaken by the trust shows that ______

① 66 percent of consumer says they want to know the carbon foodprint of the
products they buy.

② 66 percent of consumers saying they want to know the carbon foodprint of
the products they buy

④ 66 percent of consumers say they want to know the carbon foodprint of the
products they buy.

2. 다음 밑줄 친 단어와 유사한 의미를 가진 단어는?

The English novelist Wiliam Thackeray considered the cult of the crimicalso
dangeroous that he criticizied Dickens Oliver twist for making the characters
in the thieves kitchen so riveting.

① admirable
② irritate
③ enthralling

3. 다음 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 알맞은 단어는?

A smudge in a paint job is an example of a ______.

4. let-show 문법문제

5. 부모님 스킨십 문제

6. 어휘문제 smudge-blemish

7. scacely is any bother less than...

8. grim-festive,hoptless restful

9. 시간표문제 (time table) 프리젠테이션이 대세

10. h5n1 prepare이 대세

11. rivet-enthralled